
Escape from the giant
Escape from the giant

escape from the giant

“We are extremely grateful to the community for their support in sharing their sightings of Kody with us,” the National Aviary wrote Friday.

escape from the giant

On Friday afternoon, the National Aviary took to Facebook to confirm the eagle had been located in Pittsburgh’s North Park area, where he was reportedly “roosting at the highest point of one of the tallest trees.” Animal experts, including the zoo’s executive director Cheryl Tracy, camped out in North Park throughout Thursday night, monitoring Kodiak’s roost before determining he was still in good health. The team reportedly tried to lure Kodiak with by placing out food, but the animal never flew towards them. IF YOU SEE THE EAGLE, DON’T APPROACH AND CALL 41! /y8ehO0ycY2 A group of runners saw him on Pennsylvania Avenue on Pittsburgh’s North Side. 🦅 WOW! Here’s a close up video of the Steller’s Sea Eagle named Kodiak that escaped from the this morning.

Escape from the giant